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First of all congrats to ankur for making his version of IAL in py !!!

Here is my simple version ( u need python installed )

Created on 12th September

import urllib, urllib2,time

 #Enter Username Here

#Enter Password                       

link = ""
url = {'loginID':username,'loginpassword':password,'method':'POST'}
enc = urllib.urlencode(url)
poster = urllib2.Request(link, enc)
response = urllib2.urlopen(poster)

Windows Vista Command List

    Windows Vista Command List:

Well here is a list of commands used in vista command prompt (cmd.exe) including recent additions:

ASSOCDisplays or modifies file extension associations.

Displays or changes file attributes.

Sets properties in boot database to control boot loading.

Sets or clears extended CTRL+C checking.

Displays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files.

Calls one batch program from another.

Displays the name of or changes the current directory.
 Continue reading Windows Vista Command List 

Best Firefox Addons Extensions

Best Firefox Addons Extensions:

1) NoScript : With this you are completely safe from malware and spyware scripts. (Though it may become a annoyance):

2)PicLens: Lets you view all images on selective sites as 3D WALL or slideshow.

3)FlashGot: Extension For directing url and browser referrer to your selected Download Manager.

4)M R Tech Local Install Lot of customization options , good ones like local theme install.

5)Ad-Block Plus: In Association with Filterset -G is a Powerful ad blocker.

6)All-In-One Sidebar: Collection of all major options in a neat tidy sidebar.

7)Video Download Helper : Used for downloading Videos from various streaming websites.

8 ) Sidebar: Get quick access to your account from your browser sidebar.

9)Megauplad SX 3 : Used to bypass megaupload country slot .

10)GreaseMonkey: Very controversial extension used to implement bits of javascript to change the looks of some webpages. (Orkut , Rapidshare , Megaupload).