Category Archives: Linux

Enabling wifi on Lenovo R60 AR5212 using madwifi

Enabling wifi on Lenovo R60 AR5212 using madwifi-0.9.4.tar.gz :

Well i am sure everyone installed madwifi and it actually worked for some people ( see ankur‘s Directives ).

1)open terminal in su mode and enter directory where the madwifi-0.9.4.tar.gz has been extracted.
2)type ‘make’ press enter

3) type ‘make install’ press enter.

4)type ‘ modprobe ath_pci’ press enter.

Now here some people would have gotten “unable to insert module ….. no such device”

Heres what to be done :

1) go to /lib/modules/

2) rename ath5k.ko to (actually you can just delete it or blacklist it see comments)

3) go back to the madwifi directory to termianl

4)type “make uninstall ” press enter.

5)type “make clean” press enter.


7) Rename re-extract your madwifi-0.9.4.tar.gz to a different folder ( THIS ISNT NECCESSARY, BUT EVERYTIME I HAD TO DO THIS)

8) enter the new madwifi directory . Type “make clean “press enter.

9)type “make” press enter . type “make install ” enter.

10) type “modprobe ath_pci ” press enter.

NOW no new errors should come your network manager will now have wireless network selection.

11) Reboot


Compiz And Screenlets Rock!!!

ompiz And Screenlets Rock!!!

Well Compiz- Fusion has many well known effects such as cube , paint fire ,motion blur

but what about screenlets  ( widgets / gadgets ) screenlets can be put in widget layer (compiz settings) or at desktop.

Heres my Widget Layer :


have a look at my desktop… with Live RSS feeds screenlet and disk usage ooh and sidebar seems familiar doesnt it …

Continue reading Compiz And Screenlets Rock!!!

Sulphur – Codename for Fedora 9

Sulphur – Codename for Fedora 9

Try as they might, the Bathysphere lobbyists failed in their quest to have the little round ships be the moniker for Fedora 9. Instead, by a narrow margin, the community has chosen Sulphur to be the codename for Fedora 9. Full election results below.

vote_count | name
62 | Sulphur
54 | Bathysphere
43 | Chupacabra
39 | Mayonnaise
32 | Dragicorn
29 | Woodwose
23 | Tourette
13 | Asperger
13 | Barmanou
10 | Chingachgook
6 | Kingsport Town
5 | Marfan

Shrink disk in vista properly

Well the other day we were having a linux (fedora8) install fest.People were asked to make parttitons for install some people having vista had a problem that they couldnt shrink their partitions beyond a certain level despite having more memory.
This is due to windows placing paging files,hiberation files,shadow copies, system restore points, kernel debugger logs near the start and end of the partition put there deliberately in order to conserve space for the system.Well here is how to counter the problem… Continue reading Shrink disk in vista properly

Adding Repositories/ channels to Smart Package Manager

Adding Repositories/ channels to Smart Package Manager

Say you want to use livna repository which you use in yum

i)open /etc/yum.repos.d/<name>.repo (in this case  /etc/yum.repos.d/livna.repo)

ii)also open smart package manager . Edit>Channels>New

>Provide channel information>RPM MetaData (for fedora/suse livna rpm repositories)

Now smart takes only 1 url per channel so copy 1 url from opened livna.repo file

paste it into url path. give name and alias press ok.

I recommend you have atleast 2 channels of livna.

iii)file>update channels